Ithacan Archive Fund: Progress Update 2024

Your support is saving more than 400 years of Ithaca's history!

Η υποστήριξή σας σώζει περισσότερα από 400 χρόνια ιστορίας της Ιθάκης!

Tracking our progress

Guided by our four-point strategy developed with expert consultation, the Ithacan Archive Fund has led the following key changes at the Archive of Ithaca:

  • Supplied thousands of acid-free conservation boxes from professional supplier InSitu, including standard- and special-format for irregular documents

As of mid-2024, the IHS’s support means there are are now no unboxed and unprotected documents at the archive, an outstanding milestone and improvement on the condition of the archive since 2022.

  • Made environmental improvements, including a dehumidifier and basic supplies for the archive’s daily function.

  • Set up the reading room with appropriate supports for historians and the public to do research safely.

  • Opened an exhibition space at the archive, with two display cabinets to showcase documents for the public

  • Helped researchers with small grants while working at the archive + hosted two events on the archive

  • Continues to support a book project involving more than 10 scholars, which will cover all major collections + publish catalogues (expected publication in 2025)

Some treasures from the archive

Sample of some of the professional-standard supplies provided through the Ithacan Archive Fund.

Since 2022, we’ve supplies thousands of acid-free boxes, folders and sleeves.

Remaining needs

  • Thousands more acid-free conservation boxes

    • Needed to replace non-acid-free boxes currently in use for large percentage of documents

  • Other conservation supplies,

    • For use as documents are classified (e.g. acid-free paper for interleaving, folders for division of subseries within boxes)

  • Funds to support classification of the collections.

    • Most of the archive is not classified (meaning no breakdown and ordering of large series of documents). No published catalogues exist, and the provisional catalogues contain errors or gaps. Historians with specialist expertise are needed to complete the classification.

Our support so far

Since 2022, the IHS has provided the archive with support worth more than $25,000 AUD (~15.000€).

2022 Support exceeding $5,000 AUD

2023 Support exceeding $7,000 AUD

2024 Support exceeding $11,000 AUD

Read more about the Ithacan Archive Fund here.

Thank you to all our generous donors

Primary sponsor

$15,000 (over 3 years) from the Ithacan Philanthropic Society

Donations $1000+

Lucy Kostos, Prof. Nicholas Patricios, Nick Galatis, Paulette Galatis, Jonathan Brown, Dr Voula Castan

Donations to $999

Peter and Isabel Raftopoulos, George Florence, Elly Symons, Robert & Denise Cappai, Andrew and Kay Raftopoulos, Peter Paxinos, Jennifer Florence, Katherine Biazos (née Comninos), Dracoulis family, Barbara Vasdekis, Ken Brownrigg, Danae Paxinos, Helen Ferry, Spearos Raftopoulos, George Pangalis, Vera Black, Georgia Defteros, James Morris, Athena Connock, Michael Paxinos


Meeting with Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens


Meetings with Mayor and Eparch of Ithaca