Ithacan Archive Fund
The IHS has been working to support the historical archive in Ithaca across three decades.
The Ithacan Archive Fund is a new appeal for donations to allow the IHS to support the archive into the future.
As part of this ongoing initiative, the IHS provides conservation supplies and promotes public awareness about the richness of the historical archive of Ithaca.
Conserving and promoting at the historical archive
In 2023, the Ithacan Historical Society was proud to launch a new fundraising drive to support the conservation of historical documents at the state archives in Ithaca. The IHS has a record of providing aid to the Ithacan archive in the past. After the reopening of the archive in December 2021 following a long period of closure, the IHS again provided significant aid to meet the most urgent needs of the archive. While these efforts have made an important contribution, there remain many more areas of need. Our goal is to ensure Ithaca’s rich heritage will be preserved for future generations.
We are now appealing for contributions to the fund which will allow us to support the archive into the future. The Ithacan Archive Fund is a perpetual project of the IHS and welcomes individual contributions from all who are interested in the history of Ithaca and its region. We also welcome corporate contributions and bequests.
What do we supply?
Since 2022, we’ve supplies thousands of acid-free boxes, folders and sleeves.
All conservation materials are sourced from a professional-standard industry supplier for museums and archives.
Here you can see a sample of some of the supplies provided through the Ithacan Archive Fund.
Our support so far
2022 Support exceeding $5,000 AUD
2023 Support exceeding $7,000 AUD
2024 Support exceeding $11,000 AUD
Total support
More than $25,000 AUD / 15.000 €
Detailed information for prospective donors available on request.
Tracking our progress
2024 Update Read here
Learn more about the Archive of Ithaca here.
Help to preserve 400 years of Ithaca’s history through the Ithacan Archive Fund
Learn more and donate today.
Ithaca is home to a small but significant branch of the Greek state archives. Its collections include notarial registers, church records, maritime and administrative documents dating back to around 1600.
Unfortunately the extensive collections at the Ithacan archive have suffered decades of neglect. This means that many series of documents are unclassified and there are no published catalogues to aid research. The result of this neglect is that the riches of the Ithacan archive are little known and have not been seriously studied.
Read more about the Archive of Ithaca here.
You can donate directly here or make a bank transfer (details below).
Australian transfers (AUD)
BSB: 033 005 Account Number: 116628
EU transfers (Euros)
Account holder: Ithacan Historical Society Inc
IBAN: BE65 9050 4679 2096
Please write ‘Archive’ in the bank transfer description and include your first and last name so your donation may be acknowledged.
For international donations, it is recommended to donate directly here but we can provide international transfer details if you prefer a bank transfer. Contact us here.
We will gladly acknowledge your generous donation in the Odysseus newspaper of the Ithacan Philanthropic Society and the annual Bulletin. Please contact us if this is not your wish.
Our strategy for supporting the Ithacan archive has been based on broad consultation. We are guided by four main objectives:
1. Conservation and preservation of documents
Provision of appropriate professional-standard, acid-free conservation materials to preserve records currently conserved inappropriately
2. Improvement of the archive environment
Modern digitisation equipment for fragile documents
Exhibition cabinets for the safe public display of selected documents
Climate, fire-safety and humidity controls
3. Classification of the collections
Support for the classification of documents, and the publication of catalogues to the archive’s collections
4. Support for research
Support for researchers to publish primary sources (notarial registers, ecclesiastical/civil registry records, etc) and related studies
Thank you to our donors
Primary sponsor
$15,000 (over 3 years) from the Ithacan Philanthropic Society
Donations $1000+
Lucy Kostos, Prof. Nicholas Patricios, Nick Galatis, Paulette Galatis, Jonathan Brown, Dr Voula Castan
Donations to $999
Peter and Isabel Raftopoulos, George Florence, Elly Symons, Robert & Denise Cappai, Andrew and Kay Raftopoulos, Peter Paxinos, Jennifer Florence, Katherine Biazos (née Comninos), Dracoulis family, Barbara Vasdekis, Ken Brownrigg, Danae Paxinos, Helen Ferry, Spearos Raftopoulos, George Pangalis, Vera Black, Georgia Defteros, James Morris, Athena Connock, Michael Paxinos
A full list of donations in the Bulletin is available here.