Book series
Since its establishment, the IHS has published books by Ithacan authors, and works on the history of Ithaca and its people. You can buy our publications, and other Ithacan-related books here.
Our past publications include:
Ithacan Recipes: Australian Memories, by Andrew Raftopoulos, Anna Vlass, Kay Raftoupoulos, Loula Vlass (2004), ISBN 9780646443232.
The Ithacans, by George Paxinos, together with the Ithacan Philanthropic Society (2016), ISBN 9780646961279.
Passage to Ithaca: History, Surnames, Identity by George Paxinos (1st ed. 2012, 2nd ed. 2022), 2nd ed. ISBN 9780646836041.
Prospective authors
If you would like to publish a work with us, please send your expression of interest using this form.
Bulletin of the Ithacan Historical Society (BIHS)
(Επετηρίδα της Ιστορικής Εταιρείας της Ιθάκης)
ISSN: 2982-0650 (Print)
ISSN: 2981-9806 (Online)
The Bulletin (or BIHS) is published each year by the Ithacan Historical Society. It publishes articles, reviews and notes relating to the history of Ithaca and its region, from antiquity to the recent past, and provides a report of activities of the Society during the previous year.
Read more here.
Volume 1 (2023)
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Volume 2 (2024)
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